
Anthropy: Fostering a new age of economics collaboration to fuel growth.

Our chief executive Sarah Walker-Smith, who will be speaking at various sessions at this year’s Anthropy, discusses how a different approach is needed to drive growth, which will form part of Ampa’s own session at the three-day event entitled ‘The Economics of &; driving growth through joined up incentives,  co-opertition and longer term planning’.

With soaring inflation, turmoil among the financial markets and dented business confidence, our troubled economy is on the brink of recession.

Navigating the country through these choppy waters will be a significant challenge. However, these crises have presented us with a unique opportunity for permanent shifts in our thinking, behaviours, words and actions.

Previously, I have spoken about the possibility of fostering a new age of economics – the economics of &, where every intervention and action targets at least two outcomes, abundance mentality and collaboration are the norm, and we stop thinking of investment as either-or choices.

For example, does the solution focus & multitask? Does it drive collaboration & break boundaries? Does it deliver in the short & long-term? Does it provide immediate relief & enable further value creation?

Many of the above tests are paradoxical. Deliberately so – maybe that is what is needed on a new playing field.

In order to deliver results, key players across the economy and sectors must collaborate. They need to be incentivised to do so and supported for investment that reaches into communities and supports sustainability, creating jobs and skills for a future economy. Taxation methods and incentives need to reflect this and a longer-term horizon.

We are delighted to be helping shape the first-ever Anthropy and I am looking forward to collaborating with hundreds of other experienced leaders to help create a vision for long-term change for the good of all.

Read my full thoughts on LinkedIn. To find out more about Anthropy, please visit here.